Thursday, July 24, 2008

Check out the graphics

Ok.... I've tried everything to get a unique header but this one is the most ME. I know that Brittany is thinking it's so "grandma" but after all that's what I am. Maybe now I can start posting real things.... Stay tuned to see if I succumb to pressure and change it to look more modern and anthropology looking! (Note the time of this post.....I'm going to bed.... I'll see if things look different in the morning)


Zach and Zaira Benson said...

I love it! it looks so "grandma"

Brittany Seager said...

oh my, yes we will definately be changing this. jk. if you like it then i will love it. Are the birds you and kathie and carol?

Kara Benson said...

glad to see we eliminated the post declaring brittany as the favorite...we all know that could not stand. ---Josh "the favorite"

Brittany Seager said...

no josh, we didnt eliminate it. please see Mom just made another blog cause that one had issues. thanks.- brittany "the favorite"

Kara Benson said...

Yes it did have had a post stating "Brittany was the Favorite." --josh

Brittany Seager said...

you win. snaps to josh for the ultimate come backs.

Brittany Seager said...

mom honestly, lets get posting. Aunt kathie tagged you. And you have lots you could post about. hop to it.