We all spent New Years Eve at the house...except Brittany whose boyfriend Jordan offered her a better option! We had a fun filled evening starting out with dinner. Wilbur and Rhea joined us which was special for us all. Grannybird also came down. We started the night out by telling our fortunes. This is an old Swedish tradition that we learned one New Years eve that we spent the night with our friends the Hollands. You melt lead and then pour it into water and tell your fortune from the form it makes....Everyone looked like they would be going on a trip.....

The hit of the night was Guitar Hero....Everyone joined in and tried there hardest to be the best
Lloyd and Wilbur figuring out what Wilbur's year will bring
Note the concentration on their faces....can anyone guess who might be the most competitive??

On the internet we read that if you eat black eyed peas on New Years you'll have good luck in the coming year.....now who doesn't need good luck in 2009??? We decided this might be a fun tradition to start....so here's our pot of peas. If 2009 turns out to be good...or even ok....we'll continue the practice.

Just hanging out and waiting for the New Year....
Lloyd wanted as big of bite as possible.....he needs lots of luck in '09!
The only one who wasn't excited about having the black eyed peas was Josh....I don't know if he doesn't need good luck for '09 or if he just wasn't happy about being disturbed from his power nap!
The only kids that made it to 12:oo were Brady and Tyler....now does that surprise anyone?
I love this post! We had so much, it was for sure the best christmas ever! love you and can't wait to see you again!
I am so happy your going to post more often. I always check back to see if you have updated and YES you have..
Yeah a NEW post!!! Christmas was so fun- miss you guys!
FINALLY MOM! except i look about 500 lbs in that christmas picture lol
oh Brittany you look so cute! that was the first thing I told Zach when I saw the pic. YOU LOOK CUTE CUTE
What a beautiful family you have! We don't see you guys enough! We love you!
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