Today I had the best birthday ever....thanks to my wonderful family. It was a fun day spent with just being lazy and enjoying my kids and grandkids. It's funny how when you get old the things you enjoy aren't the material gifts but the love and relationships. I love how all my kids put so much thought into what to get me.... that alone shows me how much they care. Everyone of them scored a homerun in that department! Brookie kept telling me that she would help me get the cards out to invite people to my party....I think she was a little disappointed that it was just the family. Brittany had plans to make me a cake...Lloyd bought one before she got hers made but she bought the cutest candles ever... which was one of my favorite things even if I was to old to get them all on the cake! I have the best family ever and am so lucky to be able to grow old watching them each become unique and special....I love them tons!!! They are truly the best and the rest of the world should be jealous!
This picture just isn't complete without Zach and Zaira and Amy and Steve and my other cute grandkids!! Check out Zach and Zaira's blog to see the birthday poem Zaira wrote me....I love it!

Brookie painted me this beautiful picture.... I actually requested one after I saw the one she did for Brittany on her birthday. I know everyone whos sees this is going to want one.

Tyler, Savannah and Paige had this special delivery sent. It was Savy's idea... she always has the best ideas and she knows how much I LOVE cookies!

Grannybird always remembers everyones everything! I don't know how she does it. She showed up early in the morning with flowers and followed up in the afternoon with more presents..... She is remarkable!!!

After having spent the day with the kids and having a birthday party at home, Lloyd and I met Mark, Linda, Kathie, Ron, Richard and Grannybird at Roy's for an "Adult Only" dinner... whoever thought there would be advantages to age. When we opened the menus there was a birthday greeting in everyones. I especially like the saying at the bottom and know that my next trip around the sun is going to be amazing! We had a great dinner followed by wonderful deserts. (Look how cute the birthday presentation was) Then Mark picked up the bill for everyones dinner....he didn't even lose the flip...Thanks Mark! It was a wonderful night and would have only been better if Carol,Walt and Angie could have been there. It made me realize how lucky I am to have such an awesome family who I love and am so blessed to have!

Thank-you everyone for everything....I Love you All...You brighten my days and make everything worthwhile.
Happy Birthday Kris! I tried to count the candles but got distracted and lost count.
You are right. You do have an awesome family!
you are such a great little blogger!! I can't wait for our adult only trip...we had so much fun for one night think of a whole trip! Love you I am a lucky sister!! Kathie x0x0
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