Sunday, June 28, 2009

A Visit to Tucson

After months of planning the wedding and having it turn out perfect, Lloyd and I decided to take a trip to Tucson to see Amy and Steve and the kids.  We went so that we could be there for Savannah's choir concert and her kindergarten graduation.   I'm amazed at how fast the kids are growing.  One day we were driving in the car and Tyler was explaining to Savannah about tornados, he was doing it so intellectually that I had to turn around to see if he was reading from a book!  It is so fun to visit and just relax and play with the kids...all the kids are so dang cute!!!!
Paige LOVED her was so cute....she would only let Grandpa help her color!
Savannah had an amazing kindergarten year!  At the first of the year they determined that she already knew everything that she was suppose to learn for the whole year.  Her teacher was unbelievable and made arrangements for Savy to go to first grade in the morning where she advanced in reading and then she would spend the afternoon in her kindergarten class...Savy really excelled!  Her graduation was so cute....all the kids had tie dyed matching shirts and they had a luau them....they sang Beach Boy songs from the 60's and did really good.

Dax and Paige thought the whole day was wonderful!

It was Savannah's choir concert while we were there.  She performs with a little group and is by far the cutest one of all!

One of Savannah's favorite songs is Honk-shuuu....  It's a song about how Grandpa snores as he sleeps.... Savannah was the star of this performance!
Savannah loved her roses she got!

We were there for Memorial Day and Steve had the day off so we packed up the kids and went to the Desert Museum.  Tyler loves things like that and we all had fun learning about all kinds of favorite was the stop for Ice Cream!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Brittany and Jordan's Wedding

Brittany's day started really early. Her Sealing was scheduled at nine so she was up and getting ready by six. Michelle and Rachel came to the house to do her hair and make-up before she left. Now how special is that.....and they both did an amazing job. When Brittany walked out those temple doors she looked absolutely breathtaking....and that is no exaggeration!

I swear I almost cried when I saw how gorgeous Brittany looked that day....and Jordan looked as handsome as have to agree they make a darling couple!

After an amazing morning at the temple we arrived at the Robindale Chapel to find everything simply beautiful for the reception which turned out to be and evening filled with sparkle and fun. Brittany's flowers were gorgeous as was everything. It was definitely a magical night

The kids had the perfect view for the dances!

Lloyd and Lore, Jordan's mom, both did recordings to Brittany
and Jordan which were played during their turned
out to be one of the funnest memories of the night!

It was so fun to share this perfect night with so many friends and family members. We are so excited for Brittany and Jordan....I think this was a marriage made in Heaven!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Brittany and Jordan's wedding barbeque

The Friday night before Brittany and Jordan got married the Seagers had a really fun barbeque at their home. The dads, Lloyd and Brian, did an amazing job on cooking the was done to perfection! Lore, Jordan's mom, with the help of her family did the was all so good and included homemade rolls! It was fun to spend the night getting to know everyone better. Brittany is really blessed to be marrying into such an awesome family.

It was really fun to spend the evening with so many people from our family.....Thanks everyone for making such an effort to be there!

Look how our babies have grown.....It seems like just yesterday that Brittany, Cami and Karly were just little....hanging out at Grannybirds. These girls spent an unbelieveable amount of time together growing up!

...and of course you would find Jordan playing with kids....they LOVE him!!!

It's really great to be able to share these times with close friends. We've known the Burt's since our kids were babies and I love how they take time out of their lives to travel down and share these times with makes everything that much more special!
Thanks to everyone for making this a perfect evening which we will always remember!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Easter Sunrise Service

This was Jordan's first Sunrise Service with the fam....and we were so glad to have him and so excited for him to be in the family....he's amazing and so perfect for Brittany. Our family seemed a little small this year, Zach and Zaira couldn't make it as Zach was finishing finals in Logan and getting ready to move down the next week and things didn't work out for Amy and Steve and the kids to come either....we really missed them all!

Cooper loved the early morning....he's not the world's greatest sleeper!

Lloyd's really good friend and his wife joined us this year....Frank is amazing on the guitar and he accompanied the kids on their part. Carol and Walt were in charge of the program and they did a really good job with the help of their kids.

We even had the sister missionaries join us...

The kiddies all gave Jordan an appropriate welcome... I think we will always find him playing with the kids....they love him to pieces...and he is sooooo good with them!
I don't know if anyone loves Josh more than lucky!