It was Brittany's Bridal Shower April 1st and it was quite the event. Brittney, Rachel and Kathie all worked together so you can imagine that this was really over the top....alone each one of these ladies is an over performer so you can imagine how things are when they all get together! Thanks so much for making this an amazing evening....We love you! It was a black and white shower so everyone but Brittany was to wear Black and White....and most people did....Everyone and everything looked so cute! It was fun to see Brittany's old friends from high school....alot of them are still in Provo but Megan drove all the way from St. George just to come....and it was fun to get to know her new friends she's made since being home. Judging from the smile on Brittany's face as she opened her presents....she's going to have fun on her honeymoon.....and she is now prepared!!!! ....and when Jordan gets tired of the lingerie, Brittany can make him brownies in this special edges only pan that Rachel found for them.....thanks'd you know???? So it's an old tradition to make a hat with the ribbons....the young girls said they didn't do that anymore....but we made them do it anyway. Megan did a really good job...especially since this was her first one!
And what would a shower be without family.....We love you Brittany and are excited for your wedding day!
Last Sunday we celebrated Jordan's was a couple of days early but on Tuesday Jordan had school so Sunday seemed like the perfect day. We are really excited to be getting Jordan in the family....he's just perfect....even Brooklyn thinks so!
What's a party without Grannybird and games???? Brooklyn had us playing Limbo!
On Monday we celebrated Grannybirds 85th Birthday. We all got together at Richard and Angie's house for dinner and the birthday bash. I think that everyone that lives in town was Carol and Walt arranged their schedule to be there also. Just look how good the bird looks for 85!!! It's always so much fun to have your great grandchildren help to make sure all the candles get blown out! Grannybird got lots of fun presents from everyone....and cute cards....I think cards are her favorite! I know she spent the whole next day reading every card again and again. Lots of her great grandchildren gave her $1.oo bills in their cards which are reminiscent of her childhood. Brooklyn made her a special artwork card and Jordan gave her one he made special at work..... The surprise gift from all of us was a special book that Amy orchestrated....Everyone contribute to it with pictures, writings, and sayings. I think I can say it was the highlight for Grannybird...I think partly because she is still amazed at what modern technology can do....but mostly because it represents years of our family together. Days after the party Grannybird was still in disbelief and claims this was the best day of her life!!
Just being together with family makes any celebration that much more fun. It was so fun to have Carol and Walt here for the day....She got us all together earlier in the day for a sibling lunch at Cheesecake Factory.