Happy Birthday Kara..... Last week over Labor Day we went to Lake Powell and there we celebrated Kara's 28th Birthday. I just wanted to let Kara know how much she is loved in our family. She seems more like a daughter than a daughter-in-law. I knew she was a keeper when in high school she was willing to change her prom dress for one that met my approval. (Those were my rougher days!) I love how she never ever complains and always looks on the bright side of everything. She is such a positive thinker you would think she took lessons from me! She even says that being happy is a choice and she chooses to be happy. She is an amazing mother and having children has always been her main priority. I know my grandchildren are getting the best of care, they must have been really special spirits in heaven to be blessed to be sent to her. I think she should have 10! She hates any kind of contention in the family and always goes above and beyond whatever it takes to keep peace.... she's the only one who can control Josh! It's just her nature to be concerned about others... she's always taking extra time to check on Grannybird and make sure things are ok with her. She looks for opportunities to help others in need and is sensitive to the spirit in her decisions. She even manages to take Lloyds joking.... We are so blessed to have her in our family! I know I speak for all of us when we say..."We Love You Kara"

Brooklyn was so excited to help us to get ready for Kara's Birthday. It was her artistic talent that made Kara's cake so adorable!!!